Hardware Accelerated Solutions

High Perfor­mance
Compu­ting on FPGA

    Fastware is an application performance acceleration company through FPGA acceleration boards, focusing on the development of low latency, near-realtime algorithms implementations and creating the power efficient offloading platform in the application layer. The company provides to the end users the FPGA accelerated edition of algorithms which can be easily deployed either on the cloud (with FPGA instances) or on-premise.


Current solution based on FPGA Xilinx Ultrascale+ for RNN:

3.6 TFLOPs @ 550MHz

Actual achieved performance at FPGA LUT utilization = 75% (FP24DW)

less than 2500 ns

LTSM Input-output latency at clocking 550 MHz

On premise

Secure computation for sensitive data


Depending on business requirement every customer case demand own State-of-the-Art solution

On premise

Use your own hardware

Cloud Acceleration

Cloud based solutions


IP-cores for build acceleration solution in own FPGA/ASIC


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